2022 Mountain Lake Lodge (Pembroke, VA, USA)

15th IACHEC meeting, 22-26 May, 2022

In light of the continued troubled times and the uncertainty of when our institutions may allow travel again, we are postponing the IACHEC workshop to the Spring of 2022, May 22-26. The venue remains the Mountain Lodge in Pembroke, VA, and if you already booked your hotel room the reservation will automatically be moved to the new date. 
If you are unable to attend the meeting in the Spring and need to cancel your room please contact the hotel directly. For registration already paid, we will reissue receipts with the new dates. If you need to cancel altogether then please contact Trish Dobson (trish@eurekasci.com).
We plan to host a virtual meeting in October 2021 where the working groups will be updating on the work they have done since last meeting. We will also host a couple of plenary sessions, with topics and dates still to be determined.
We greatly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, and thank you for your patience. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact us at meeting2020@iachec.org.
The IACHEC chairs 


The 15th IACHEC meeting will be held between April 24 (Monday) and September 29  (Thursday) 2021 in Pembroke, Virginia, at the Mountain Lake Lodge (https://www.mtnlakelodge.com).

Meeting Structure

The meeting will have a 3.5 days structure, split between plenary and Working Group sessions. For a list and description of the working groups see: https://iachec.org/iachec-working-groups/

The special topics for this meeting will be:

  • eRosita calibration and first results
  • How to model a background. This session will focus on the challenges of measuring/modeling the background as a function of time/orbit/energy/etc., determining the correct background model spectrum, and incorporating that background into data analysis.
  • Back to Basics. This session will focus on the implementations of pileup models, PSF corrections, and extended ARFs in instrument pipelines and their cross observatory effect. 

The meeting is open to everyone, and participants are welcome to present talks and posters on the working group topics and on the general topic of instrument calibration and analysis methods. This year we will also have posters available.


Please use the register button above to register and pay. Abstract submission and hotel registration are separate and can be done independently of registration. Please submit your abstract as soon as possible to make sure it makes it into the program. We will try to accomondate everyones talks, but recent years have shown that the program can get really packed. We have therefore opened for posters this year, and talks that cannot be fit into the program will be offered a poster opportunity. 

Accommodation and Conference Fee

An approximate breakdown of the fees across 3.5 days (4 nights) is as follows:

Registration fee

665 USD/person


220 USD/person


400 USD/person*

*) Cutoff date is March 3rd

Ride Board

The Venue is quite remote, 1 hour from the nearest airport. We have therefore set up a Ride Board for anyone wishing to share a rental or taxi.

LOC and contact

Adam Foster, Chair of High Resolution working group 
Kristin Madsen, Chair of IACHEC

Contact: meeting2020@iachec.org