2008 Schloss Ringberg (Germany)

3rd IACHEC meeting, 18-21 May 2008

Monday 19th of May

09:00-09:10 Introduction (M.Kirsch)

Talks: Update of calibration current missions
09:10-09:40: XMM-Newton (M. Guainazzi)
09:40-10:10: Chandra (L. David)
10:40-11:10: Suzaku (E. Miller; XIS: H. Matsumoto; HXD M. Kawaharada)
11:10-11:30: Coffee break
11:30-12:00: Integral (IBIS, L.Natalucci; SPI, J.P. Roques)
12:00-12:20: RXTE (K. Jahoda)
12:20-12:30: Swift (A. Moretti)


Talks: Update of the results from the previous IACHEC working groups
The Chairs of the working groups from last meeting reported to the forum 
on the activities of their working group in 2007/2008. New working groups may
be proposed; non active/productive ones cancelled.

14:00-14:10:  White Dwarfs (Chair: Burwitz) 
14:10-14:30:  Thermal SNR (Chair: Plucinsky) 
14:30-14:45:  Clusters (Chair: David) 
14:45-15:00:  Non thermal SNR (Chair: Ishida) 
15:00-15:05:  High spectral resolution Calibration (Chair: Pollock) 
15:05-15:15:  Relative effective area Calibration (Chair: Marshall) 
15:15-15:20:  Calibration in the XEUS area (Chair: Sembay) 

Groups without report/inactive 
– Isolated Neutron Stars (Chair: Haberl)
– Energy and Redistribution Calibration (Chair: Grant)
– Timing Calibration (Chair: Kirsch)

15:20-16:00: Coffee break

16:00-18:00:  Working groups session 1

Tuesday 20th of May

Working groups session 2
9:00-11:00 same as the day before.

Talks: calibration standards
11:20-11:40: Martin C.Weisskopf:  So you think the Crab is described by a power-law spectrum?
11:40-12:00: Niels Westergaard: The Crab spectrum as measured in the JEM-X instrument.
12:00-12:20: Manabu Ishida: Cross calibration of Suzaku/Chandra/XMM-Newton with PKS2155-304

Talks: Calibration of future missions
14:00-14:20: Ulrich Briel for Philippe Ferrando: Short overview of Simbol-X and the challenge of calibrating Simbol-X
14:20-14:40: Alberto Moretti: Calibration plan of Simbol-X
14:40-15:00: Michael Freyberg: Simbol-X: Outline of calibration of mirrors at PANTER
15:00-15:15: Konrad Dennerl: E-Rosita: Calibration of mirrors (and cameras)
15:15-15:30: Jelle Kaastra: In-flight calibration of SXC

Wednesday 21st May

Working groups session 3
09:00-10:00: Thermal SNR WG

10:00-11:00 Summary of WG chairs to forum

11:30-12:00 Summary, conclusions, actions and schedule (Guainazzi)