2025 Osaka Bay (Japan)

17th IACHEC meeting, 11 - 15 May 2025

Meeting Scope

Scientific results are now more than ever obtained as a synergy between observatories, and physical interpretation relies heavily on good instrumental cross-calibration knowledge, which is bounded by the resources devoted to calibration. The main goal of the IACHEC is to optimize the scientific value of current missions by improving the cross-calibration among existing instruments, creating new standards for analysis, promoting appropriate statistical methods for interpreting results, and optimizing calibration plans of future missions.


The 17th IACHEC workshop will be held in Osaka Bay in Japan at the Hotel Fukuracia (https://hotel-cosmosquare.jp/english/). The meeting will start on Monday, May 12th, and go through the afternoon of Thursday, May 15th. There will be a reception on Sunday, May 11th, in the evening.

Organizing Committee

Kristin K. Madsen, IACHEC Chair (GSFC)

Daniel Wik (University of Utah)

Local Organizing Committee

Megumi Shidatsu (Ehime University)

Yukikatsu Terada (Saitama University)

Masayoshi Nobukawa (Nara University of Education)

Hiromasa Suzuki (ISAS/JAZXA)

Aye Bamba (Tokyo University)

Katsuaki Asano (Tokyo Universtiy)


For questions, please contact: meetings@iachec.org
